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Mindfulness videos

Here are a few short videos that you may find interesting about what mindfulness is and its benefits:

Dr Joe Flanders on the Science of Mindfulness – A brief exploration of the evidence and neuroscience. 

Dr Kristin Neff talks about the benefits of Mindful Self-Compassion

6 Minutes

The founder of the Mindfulness- Based Stress Reduction course, Jon Kabat-Zinn offers us a definition of Mindfulness.

Andy Puddicombe, ex monk, talks about the benefits of mindfulness and just taking 10 minutes.

Shauna Shapiro Ted Talk - The Power of Mindfulness: What You Practice Grows Stronger 

Dr Chris Germer talks about Shame, the wish to be loved... and Mindful Self Compassion

7 Minutes

Brene Brown – The Power of vulnerability 

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